Brand New!
We are very pleased and proud to announce the launch of 'QR' herbal compost activator in a newly manufactured retro style packet based on a packet that was sold in the 1950's. The activator powder inside the packet hasn't changed and is made to the original 'Maye Bruce Formula', which we sold previously. For every pack sold 25p will be donated to the Soil Association, a registered charity no 206862 (England and Wales) and no. SCO39168 (Scotland). |
Quick Return (QR) Composting

In 1935, Maye E. Bruce innovated her 'Quick Return' (QR) compost system as a method for gardeners and farmers to make fertile compost in a matter of weeks, without turning the heap and without manure. Over the decades, the method became very popular with thousands of people all over the world in many countries using the method which is hinged upon the use of a herbal activator; made from the leaves and flowers of six common herbs with added honey.

The popularity of QR grew from its humble beginnings on Miss Bruce's farm in the Cotswolds, mainly due to the classic book 'Common Sense Compost Making', she wrote in 1946. The book tells the story of how she invented QR as well as being very informative on how to make excellent compost using the QR method. The book had seven impressions on its first edition and was sold all over the world. Miss Bruce died in 1964 with a further edition of the book published in 1972, edited by Lady Eve Balfour, the founder of the Soil Association. Miss Bruce is also considered to be one of the founder members of the Soil Association and was a close friend of Lady Eve Balfour. A 3rd edition of the book was published in 2009, edited by Andrew Davenport.

After the 1970's the method became less popular almost reverting to a cult following. It is our objective, as humble compost makers, to re-awaken interest in the QR composting system. Primarily aimed at gardeners and allotment holders, the method is simple to follow and can be used by anyone who is interested in growing healthy plants in an organic and sustainable way. The method can also be adapted to farm heaps.
Challenging Times
In these very challenging times, with a worldwide pandemic, climate crisis (and upheaval caused by Brexit for those of us in the UK and Europe), it is becoming increasingly necessary that we must seek out organic and sustainable ways of growing our own food. With the compost heap at the heart of the garden, the QR method can help the grower to manage their gardens, allotments and farms organically and sustainably without the requirement for manure and other fertilisers.
The first and foremost factors to consider in organic growing are the health and structure of that most valuable asset; the soil. In order to satisfy these requirements, sustenance for the soil must be provided in the form of manure, or compost of an equivalent fertility as that of manure.
Organic manure is precious to those who have it and for most people it is very difficult to obtain. Indeed, for the vegan grower it is not an option. In particular, some manures when applied direct to the soil can cause leaching of nutrients into the groundwater, contaminating our water supplies. This requires costly process plant and equipment to remove them. In the light of issues over the last couple of years regarding the contamination of manure through cattle feeding on pastures treated with hormone based herbicides, the argument to move away from manures becomes even stronger.
Compost can greatly assist in carbon capture, easily meeting the 0.4% set by the Paris climate summit, when compost is applied to the land. If we add volcanic rock dust (such as REMIN) along with compost, then carbon can be stably captured by our soils (in the form of limestone) increasing the carbon levels by as much as 17% (Research by Prof David Manning, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne). Using the QR method can speed up the rate of composting enabling greater and quicker amounts of carbon to our soils for less time, effort and with less space and number of bins used.
Compost made using the QR method can feed the hungry organisms in our healthy living soils and in doing so, will bring the further rewards of vitality and health to those plants we grow, and in turn the priceless benefits of the health and the well being to those animals and humans who feed on them.
QR compost, like any well made compost, when applied to any soil type, can reverse the effects of soil degradation, rebuild soil structure making soils freer draining and at the same time more moisture retentive,.
Quite simply QR compost repairs soils, completes the cycle of life and can repair the planet - fulfilling the ancient rule of return.
The first and foremost factors to consider in organic growing are the health and structure of that most valuable asset; the soil. In order to satisfy these requirements, sustenance for the soil must be provided in the form of manure, or compost of an equivalent fertility as that of manure.
Organic manure is precious to those who have it and for most people it is very difficult to obtain. Indeed, for the vegan grower it is not an option. In particular, some manures when applied direct to the soil can cause leaching of nutrients into the groundwater, contaminating our water supplies. This requires costly process plant and equipment to remove them. In the light of issues over the last couple of years regarding the contamination of manure through cattle feeding on pastures treated with hormone based herbicides, the argument to move away from manures becomes even stronger.
Compost can greatly assist in carbon capture, easily meeting the 0.4% set by the Paris climate summit, when compost is applied to the land. If we add volcanic rock dust (such as REMIN) along with compost, then carbon can be stably captured by our soils (in the form of limestone) increasing the carbon levels by as much as 17% (Research by Prof David Manning, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne). Using the QR method can speed up the rate of composting enabling greater and quicker amounts of carbon to our soils for less time, effort and with less space and number of bins used.
Compost made using the QR method can feed the hungry organisms in our healthy living soils and in doing so, will bring the further rewards of vitality and health to those plants we grow, and in turn the priceless benefits of the health and the well being to those animals and humans who feed on them.
QR compost, like any well made compost, when applied to any soil type, can reverse the effects of soil degradation, rebuild soil structure making soils freer draining and at the same time more moisture retentive,.
Quite simply QR compost repairs soils, completes the cycle of life and can repair the planet - fulfilling the ancient rule of return.