About The Nursery
The nursery and garden are set in the beauty and tranquillity of the small hamlet of Bingfield situated on the edge of the Northumberland National Park. (For opening times please see Home, for map and address please see contact )
The nursery specialises in growing a varied range of perennials, herbs and wildflowers using sustainable and organic methods. We pride ourselves in the robust, healthy plants which are the result of the systems and ingredients we use. The plants are grown in tailor made formulas consisting of ingredients including home-made compost using the Quick Return (QR) method, leaf mould, spent hops and composted woodchip. We are totally self sufficient in growing media and nothing is bought in other than the waste products to be processed into the growing media. Our plants are propagated on site, using where possible, our own seed, bought in organic seed or propagation from mother plants grown in the garden.
The Northumberland climate ensures that our plants are fully hardened so are ready to cope with the weather conditions of most UK gardens. Plant pots are locally sourced reclaimed pots which make economic and environmental sense.
Many of the plants we sell are growing in our garden. We are happy to show you these and answer any queries you may have.
Plants from Gardener's Cottage Plants

At Gardener's Cottage Plants we grow a varied and interesting range of herbaceous perennials, herbs and wildflowers. We grow the plants that do well in our location and soils and we like for good reason. This will be due to a number of factors which would come from their reliability, scent, ease of maintenance or just because they grow and show well in our garden! However we do experiment with new plants on a continual basis.
To Buy Plants From the Nursery
You can visit our nursery for purchasing potted or bare root plants (for nursery address and map see Contact Details for nursery opening times please see Home) . If the nursery is closed please get in touch still as we can open by appointment to supply your requirements.
Mail Order
Due to plant passport regulations we can no longer supply plants by mail order. Regulations do permit us to deliver plants in person and sell at plant fairs and from our nursery.
Plant Fairs
When covid lockdown restrictions are lifted we hope to sell at plant fairs again. We usually make an annual trip to Haltwhistle Plant Fair and hope to do Blagdon Plant Fair again if possible.
To Buy Plants From the Nursery
You can visit our nursery for purchasing potted or bare root plants (for nursery address and map see Contact Details for nursery opening times please see Home) . If the nursery is closed please get in touch still as we can open by appointment to supply your requirements.
Mail Order
Due to plant passport regulations we can no longer supply plants by mail order. Regulations do permit us to deliver plants in person and sell at plant fairs and from our nursery.
Plant Fairs
When covid lockdown restrictions are lifted we hope to sell at plant fairs again. We usually make an annual trip to Haltwhistle Plant Fair and hope to do Blagdon Plant Fair again if possible.
What is so special about our organically grown plants?
Our plants are grown with naturally made compost containing beneficial organisms including bacteria and fungi which will form symbiotic relationships with the plant. Once the plant establishes itself in the compost fed soil then it will feed in the most natural and beneficial way possible, in harmony with the soil and its organisms.
Plants grown in this way are more robust, are better equipped to survive drought and wet conditions, have good resistance to pest and disease, are well balanced and will provide you with good foliage and flowers. We are often asked about how we keep the slugs and snails off our hostas. The answer is we don't. They are just not interested!
When your plant is planted in your garden it has a 'head start' in that the plant is already set up and ready to grow without having to wait for its team of beneficial organisms to arrive and establish. The 'shock' to the plant of being introduced to a 'living soil' is greatly reduced. This will help ensure the survival of the plant and improve its chances of establishing. Good compost is readily accepted by any soil type of any condition so the high proportion of this used in our potting mixtures ensures excellent acceptance of our potted plants and subsequent ease of establishment.
You will also be helping the environment by buying a sustainably grown plant that has not been detrimental to peatbogs which have unique flora and fauna and act as carbon sinks.
We believe that plants grown in this way are the right choice for your plant, your garden and the environment.
Plants grown in this way are more robust, are better equipped to survive drought and wet conditions, have good resistance to pest and disease, are well balanced and will provide you with good foliage and flowers. We are often asked about how we keep the slugs and snails off our hostas. The answer is we don't. They are just not interested!
When your plant is planted in your garden it has a 'head start' in that the plant is already set up and ready to grow without having to wait for its team of beneficial organisms to arrive and establish. The 'shock' to the plant of being introduced to a 'living soil' is greatly reduced. This will help ensure the survival of the plant and improve its chances of establishing. Good compost is readily accepted by any soil type of any condition so the high proportion of this used in our potting mixtures ensures excellent acceptance of our potted plants and subsequent ease of establishment.
You will also be helping the environment by buying a sustainably grown plant that has not been detrimental to peatbogs which have unique flora and fauna and act as carbon sinks.
We believe that plants grown in this way are the right choice for your plant, your garden and the environment.